Are You Looking for Where to Buy Absinthe
A lot of people are not well informed about absinthe, so they have very wrong notions about it, while absinthe lovers who live in the US are not aware of how to get original absinthe, this article aims to educate and inform readers about absinthe.
In spite of the advent of Lucid, lots of people are still craving for Where To Buy Absinthe, because they know that absinthe makes no one mad. There is no danger in drinking absinthe. The people are not afraid to drink absinthe knowing certainly that there is no danger in doing so. During the period of its universal ban absinthe was still being distilled and consumed by many people. In spite of the almost universal ban of this wonderful liquor, absinthe lovers did not turn away from it. Rather the popularity grew to the point that it featured in one of the best films of all times.
For several decades this exceptional liquor that is made from the combination of 8 different herbs including wormwood and thujone immersed in alcohol or wine, was banned everywhere, especially in Europe and the United States.
After several years of prohibition the European Governments unbanned absinthe but the US did not until just a couple of years ago when it granted permission to a certain company to distill and market a brand of absinthe called Lucid. Technically, absinthe is still banned in the United States.
Nonetheless, incontrovertible sources point out the fact that synthetic ingredients were used to manufacture this brand in stead of natural herbs. Major Newspapers wrote that the artificial make up of Lucid ingredients was the reason the company had to be given license to make and distribute Lucid in the United States. I like to tell all who are for the original absinthe but do not know where to get it that the place to look is still Europe, and the source is basically online where you can find several absinthe stores taking orders and shipping the wonderful liquor world wide.
If you are in the United States and you are interested in buying absinthe, my advice is to go online and search Google for quality absinthe stores or alternatively look up any of the links in this article. The most authentic of them are from the United Kingdom where you are guaranteed to get quality absinthe.
Large scale for sale importation of original absinthe into the US is still banned, but individuals are able to receive small parcels of personal use absinthe from online stores, so you can be rest assured that you will not be the only one who is receiving absinthe through a secured mail service, this is the only way absinthe lovers are able to enjoy the real thing.
There is no scientific prove that absinthe makes people mad. Over dose of any substance is usually not good to health. People like Van and Oscar and the rest had the tendencies that cause addiction and the misbehavior that goes with it. This is coupled with the established fact that bootleggers began producing bad absinthe with very high levels of wormwood that was injurious to health.
If you drink a well distilled absinthe in moderation, it has a special elating effect that is more than mere intoxication. Absinthe clears the mind and makes it merry. Do not be deceived into drinking imitation absinthe, you can get Absinthe In America, online from Europe.

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