Buy Quality Absinthe Online
Buy Quality Absinthe Online blog provides free infomation on where to buy guality absinthe online for absente drinkers all over the world. Absente drinking popularity is on the upsurge careful that you buy only quality absinthe online

Lucid Is Not Absithe, Because It Lacks The Essence

If you buy absinthe in the U.S. today, do not be fooled into thinking that you are drinking the real absinthe.

What you have here now are watered down Absinthe imitations. I am talking about Lucid, Swiss Kubler and all the other so called absente brands being sold in this country today. Forsooth! those are not absinthe...they have no Thuojone in them. Wormwood, the essence of Absinthe is not part of what you have here.

The best bet for buying quality absinthe remains online. Drinking imitation absente in place the real thing is a shame. If you have to drink Absente, get it from reliable online stores who still stores and sells the real thing.

I do not subscribe to the fallacy that Absinthe is no more banned in the U.S. because the truth is that what they are serving in those restaurants and cafes are not Absinthe.