File Bankruptcy Online - Options For Filing Bankruptcy Online
Can I file bankruptcy online? That is your question if you can no longer handle your debt. The fact is while you can do much of the paperwork and the like online, ultimately you will have to file your petition at your local courthouse in person.
There are many websites and programs available that can help you through the process. A program called Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER), for instance, can give you access to the documentation and other information you may need. But only an attorney can actually file via the PACER system and even then only if that particular court will permit it.
Online bankruptcy Attorneys
Should you hire an attorney? Well, if you already have one on retainer or one in your family that is willing to help you, then the answer is most definitely yes. An attorney can advise you the chapter that is right for your situation, have one of his or her paralegals to correctly fill out your bankruptcy forms for you, and represent you in court. You generally won't need to make an appearance until the meeting of the creditors.
Most attorneys, however, would not prefer to offer online filing services. As attorneys will be held responsible for the entire process they would prefer to work face to face and develop a comfortable personal relationship with each new client rather than risk personal liability to "anonymous" clients.
Online Paralegal and Do It Yourself Bankruptcy
Most folks who are filing for bankruptcy, however, can't handle the bills they already have, much less an attorney's fees. In this case, you have two options: do all the work yourself or hire a paralegal. If you file pro se, you will need to get a list of exemptions that applies to your state and use it fill out your bankruptcy forms yourself. You will also need to represent yourself at your 341 meeting.
There are online paralegal that can help you file your petition online with far less costs than hiring an attorney. Even though a paralegal cannot represent you in court or in any other situation they can fill out your information into the bankruptcy forms and offer advice related to bankruptcy procedures.
What is the Best Option for You?
While you can't really file bankruptcy online, there is a lot that you can do online to expedite the filing process. The entire process for filing bankruptcy has been laid out on many online resources, making it easier for you to understand what you are getting into. But before you take the plunge, make sure you really understand the implications and consider all of bankruptcy options as well as other bankruptcy alternatives.
Get more file bankruptcy online information to help you choose your best debt relief alternative at Plus you can learn many great bankruptcy alternatives.
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